Facial contouring is becoming increasingly popular in our Adelaide clinic and chin filler is the treatment people keep asking for. 

By injecting dermal filler into the chin and jaw area, we can help define and contour the bottom third of your face. And when combined with other treatment areas such as the cheeks, this can give you that desired heart shape look. 

Our experienced Doctors, Clinicians and Cosmetic Injector Nurses have an eye for facial proportion and can help you achieve your aesthetic goals with our premium TGA-approved dermal filler.


30 - 60 minutes depending on the amount of filler you have opted for.


Prices can be found here. Your initial consultation is complimentary.


You will notice results immediately and may take up to 14 days to settle. Dermal filler can last from between 6-18 months, depending on the type of filler used and individual factors.


Side Effects / Potential Risks / Complications:

  • Hypersensitivity, Allergic response, Anaphylactic reaction (rare but can occur)
  • Formation of nodules (lumps) around the treated area
  • Slight visibility/palpability of the product under the skin
  • Persistent bruising which may last up to several weeks
  • Infection/abscess formation following treatment, eruption of cold sores
  • Small/Rare possibility of filler being injected into a blood vessel which could lead to blockage of the blood flow to the area supplied by the blood vessel causing skin soreness, coldness, numbing and discoloration. Please contact the clinic as soon as possible in this instance.
  • Perfect symmetry may not be achievable.
  • Limited or non-response to treatment
  • Extremely rare risk of blindness if filler is injected into certain anatomical sites, such as the Glabella, Nasolabial folds and the Nose.


  • Avoid touching and rubbing and make-up to the treated areas for 4 hours
  • Avoid extreme heat/cold for up to 1 week post treatmentAbstain from Alcohol, heavy exercise for 24 hours
  • Stay out of Sunlight/UV radiation until redness and swelling has resolved.
  • You may find it helpful to apply iced gauze to the treated area
  • Do not rub, massage, apply make-up the treated areas for at least 4 hours after treatment
