Are you someone who loves to smile, laugh and enjoy time with your friends? But do you notice more and more wrinkles appearing around your eyes as a result? Don’t get us wrong, we’re happy to see you happy. But we understand many of you would prefer to not have your happiness impact the number of wrinkles you have.
Wrinkles in the crow’s feet area (outer edge of eyes) are usually caused by laughing, squinting and other intense facial expressions. Our skilled doctors and Cosmetic Nurses use anti-wrinkle injections to relax the muscles in this area to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and creases, and help you achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.
Cocoon Spa and Medical Aesthetics Adelaide offer premium anti-wrinkle injections to help you achieve smoother skin and a softer, more rejuvenated facial aesthetic.

Possible Risks / Complications:
- Hypersensitivity, Allergic response, Anaphylactic reaction (rare but can occur)
- Asymmetry of facial expressions
- Muscle weakness, twitching
- Bruising/swelling/skin redness
- Stinging/burning
- Headaches
- Drooping of the eyelid or eyebrow (ptosis)/local muscle weakness, double vision, dry/teary eyes
- Hives, feeling faint, nausea or flu like symptoms, tiredness
- Swelling of the face or throat, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing
- Infection at treatment site
- Period to take effect, further treatment needed, remaining muscle movement
- Avoid touching and rubbing and make-up to the treated areas for 4 hours
- Avoid extreme heat/cold for up to 1 week post treatment
- Abstain from Alcohol, heavy exercise for 24 hours
Stay out of Sunlight/UV radiation until redness and swelling has resolved. - You may find it helpful to apply iced gauze to the treated area
- Do not rub, massage, apply make-up the treated areas for at least 4 hours after treatment

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